Palm Springs

We pulled into town Friday night, just in time to make it to the eat and great Barbeque dinner where I got a chance to catch up with many old friends and partners in crime that I don’t see as often as I probably should back here in LA. Liz and I jumped up in front of a make shift microphone and PA in a somewhat failed attempt to get a hootenanny of sorts going amongst the many talented musicians amidst the crowd. It wasn’t all for not as Liz, myself, and a few others did get off a few decent tunes, the highlight of course being when the groom to be jumped up and did a short set. The remainder of the night was soon lost to the nearby casinos, drinking with the old gang, and a ridiculous argument about knee bones, to which I am still thoroughly confused.

The wedding was held, of all places, at Frank Sinatra’s old pad. A beautiful house set around an eye catching Piano shaped pool, the Palm Springs home was the perfect place for one of the nicest wedding ceremonies I have attended yet. Followed, of course, by a night of yet more drinking, eating, dancing, gathering around the piano for some boisterous butchering of old classics, and the gushing of love for old friends that always seems to happen when alcohol mends the absence between old friends. It was a great time.

will try to get to the lyrics some time next week.
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